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Bradley Smoker USA Inc.

Booth L11052


Bradley Smoker specializes in making electric smokers, grills, wood bisquettes, cures and smoking accessories. The principle behind great smoke flavor is not new. Controlling the burn temperature and preventing the wood from becoming ash is all that is required for great flavor. Based on these principles, we developed Bradley Smokers to produce the best smoke flavor possible. The convenience of automatically feeding the bisquettes to operate up to nine hours between refueling is a bonus. Food smoking using the Bradley Smoker will taste better and will greatly enhance your dining experience. That’s why we say, “It’s all about flavor!” Bradley Smokers are easier to control and more versatile than other smokers. With electronic control and a fully insulated cabinet, they avoid temperature fluctuations that can affect the taste of smoked food. Bradley Flavor Bisquettes are made using controlled pressures and densities, for the slow, low temperature burn required to create smoked foods.




Company Info


    Public Relations VP/Director/Manager
    Name : Bhaj Dhatt

    Specialty Retailer Sales Contact
    Name : Dean Wilson

    US Contact
    Name : Dean Wilson

    Non-US Contact
    Name : Dean Wilson

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