Booth S4116
Guardini is a company with 70 years of life and experience behind it, of artisan talent transformed into production capacity, of ingenious creativity and unceasing research. Guardini is an Italian company specializing in oven moulds. 35 product lines, 17.000 m2 of industrial area, an international market are the winning aspects of a company which has been capable of renewing and developing its resources, thereby multiplying its level of experience. Guardini's production is entirely Made in Italy and is exported all over the world. Due to its consistent attention to the tastes of the buyer and the needs of retailers, Guardini is able to interpret with creativity the requirements of those who love cooking, without forgetting to offer distribution elements with the most effective commercial solutions. The quality of the materials and the competitive nature of its prices, together with an infinity of forms and colours, make Guardini products the greatest allies of all cooking fan.
Public Relations VP/Director/Manager
Name : Nadia Bisio
Non-US Contact
Name : Alessandro Vicario