New Wave Enviro is a family owned business based in Colorado. Founded in 1994 New Wave is the leading manufacturer and distributor of water filtration, reusable bottles, and Litter free lunch products in the Natural Foods Industry. In June of 2017 New Wave Enviro acquired certain assets of the Kid Basix line. Kid Basix’s mission like New Wave Enviro is to design and manufacture environmentally-friendly, innovative, daily-use products. Kid Basix products are designed by moms, specifically with children’s small hands and needs in mind. Founded in 2008, Kid Basix launched the first stainless steel kids drink cup the Safe Sippy and in 2009 it launched the Safe Sippy 2 and Safe Sporter 12oz and 16oz. In early 2017, the company launched its line of Stainless Steel Safe Snackers and is introducing a more sophisticated color palette at the IHHA show for teens and adults.