The Demon Brewing Company Introduces the World’s First Small Batch Conical Fermenter! The Little Demon fermenter from Demon Brewing Company is the world’s first professional-style 2-Gallon conical fermenting system designed for home use. It is the centerpiece of the BrewDemon line of easy-to-yes Craft Brewing Systems. Our innovative fermenter lets you brew beer like the pros, just in smaller batches right in your own home. Unlike the keg or bucket-type fermenters commonly used in home brewing systems, the BrewDemon conical fermenter is based on the design used by nearly every major brewery in the world. Conical fermenters simply make better tasting beer because they reduce the contact of spent yeast with your beer in the fermentation process. Other advantages of this innovative fermenter is that it's east-to-clean and makes bottling a snap! BrewDemon sells a complete line of Craft Brewing Systems starting at $55.