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Baumalu SA

Booth S4232


It began in 1971 in Baldenheim, Alsace, when jean-Pierre Martin decided to put his skills as a coppersmith and his love for the authentic and creative culinary tradition of his homeland into an entrepreneurial venture. This was how Baumalu was born. The cooks of village inns, followed by the great chefs of bourgeois restaurants, appreciated the quality and diversity of the products and made its reputation. Baumalu became a national name and the company entered export markets. With over 25 specialized workers in its historic plant, BAUMALU now processes 400 tons of copper - Each piece is still worked by hand - and achieve 5 Million in sales every year.

Company Info


    Non-US Contact
    Name : Martin Bruno

    Specialty Retailer Sales Contact
    Name : Martin Bruno

    US Contact
    Name : Martin Bruno

    Consumer Contact
    Name : Martin Bruno

    Public Relations VP/Director/Manager
    Name : Martin Bruno

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