Booth L12060
In a quest to shorten the distance between producers and end consumers, TrueToSource strives to find new products from suppliers around the world who are keen to connect with customers. By ensuring that all our products come directly from the brand owners, you can now be sure that your voice can be heard. We have been professional sellers on Amazon and eBay since 2010, and carry a broad range of products that we aim to bring to US consumers. Be it products developed by new startups or seasoned brands that have long been popular in other parts of the world, we strive to make them available to our customers. Our goal is to further broaden our reach to local retail and distribution channels that can allow physical channels to complement our presence via online channels.
Public Relations VP/Director/Manager
Name : Annie Hsieh
US Contact
Name : Annie Hsieh
Consumer Contact
Name : Annie Hsieh
Non-US Contact
Name : Sandy Hsu
Specialty Retailer Sales Contact
Name : Sandy Hsu