Booth S3258
Le Souk Ceramique's studio is located in Nabeul, Tunisia, with offices and North American distribution in Clinton, Washington State, USA near Seattle. We fire vitrified stoneware clay and paint our designs 100% freehand. No decals, no machinery. We do not outsource or subcontract any aspect of our production. From raw clay and glaze, all workmanship is done at our studio. Our studio has been inspected and verified by WFTO for working conditions, salaries, food safe glazes, etc. In 2013, we started a sister studio in Nabeul, Le Souk Olivique, to handcraft a wide variety of kitchen tools. We make all types of utensils, boards, bowls, and tools out of single-piece olive wood. We have developed proprietary finishing techniques to bring out the beautiful grain of olive wood.
Public Relations VP/Director/Manager
Name : Andrea Madigan
Consumer Contact
Name : Douglas Littrel
US Contact
Name : Douglas Littrel
Specialty Retailer Sales Contact
Name : Kim Rigato
Non-US Contact
Name : Wassim Charada